Saturday, March 21, 2009

$8M in federal stimulus money to pay for borough's train station

Elizabethtown Borough is in line to receive $8 million in federal economic stimulus money to pay for renovations to the Amtrak Elizabethtown Train Station.

Borough Manager Pete Whipple said at Borough Council's March 19 meeting that borough and Amtrak officials will be meeting in two weeks finalize the details of the project. He indicated that there will be a "flurry of activity" in the next 45 to 60 days to get everything in place so the project can go to bid.

A project that has been in the works for at least 10 years, the renovations to the train station will be a boon to Elizabethtown. Ridership at the station has increased by leaps and bounds for many years, and the improvements will bring much nicer facilities to those who use the station.

The renovated station also will be a centerpiece of Elizabethtown's mixed-use zoning in the area between Market Street and the train station. Once the project is complete, Borough Council hopes that it will spark interest in new business development in this area. And it also will attract businesses to Sycamore Square.

Good things definitely are happening in Elizabethtown.


  1. I'm so happy this project will finally be done! I actually wrote the first series of grants for it when I worked at the Borough.

  2. I can't tell you how happy that there seems to be light at the end of the project. When completed this project truely will be the centerpiece to revitaliztion for that part of town.

  3. Agreed. It's such an exciting time to be living on W High St and commuting by train to Harrisburg.


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