Running Elizabethtown

While I started Chronicling Elizabethtown to focus on news from my perspective as an elected official, I also like to write a little about running, fitness and exercise here in E-town.

The new Elizabethtown Running Club at GEARS

I've made no secret over the last three years about my hobby of running. It has been a great way for me to stay fit and keep off 35 pounds that I lost about four years ago. And it has felt good to find the motivation that I lost at the end of the 1988 high school track season. Without a coach requiring me to be at a practice for track or cross country, I simply fell into the lethargic lifestyle that many of us Americans do.

After losing weight, I started running again to add some variety to my fitness routine. Now, four half marathons and a bunch of other races later, I love to share my love of running with others. Inevitably, when the topic of running comes up with some people, they often say, "Oh, I wish I could run" or "I've thought about running, but I can't run more than a mile." Read more.

What happens when you pit a middle-aged man against his teenage son in a 5K

This is a story that starts a couple of years back, when my son expressed interest in running one of the Frozen Foot 5K races here in Elizabethtown. 
Nat and I lined up together that March afternoon, and I coached him through the 3.1 miles. At times, he complained that "it hurts," but he kept running. And as much as I had wanted to run my own race (Nat had even said I didn't have to run with him), it was one of the most rewarding experiences to run with him. Read more.

Two upcoming 5K races: Running for more than fitness

In the running community, you can find people who are running just to stay fit, and they enter races to challenge themselves. Others enter because they can raise funds for worthy organizations. Next month, you have the chance to combine fitness and benevolence and help the Elizabethtown Rotary Club and Hope Community Church's Arm of Hope that helps youths living in the slums in Ghana. Read more

Elizabethtown says, "Walk this way!"

A few months ago, some borough staff members saw a presentation of a walkability audit of another Lancaster County community. Upon asking about it, they soon had an offer to do a walkability audit here in Elizabethtown. It's scheduled for 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Friday, March 28. Participants -- and anyone in the community is invited to participate -- are meeting in the Free Parking Lot on Cherry Alley behind Groff's Meats. Read more

Six reasons why runners need to come to Elizabethtown

In the past two years, I have used the streets, sidewalks, paths and roads in and around Elizabethtown as my training grounds for three half marathons. I have run often enough to establish short routes of 4 miles that get me home in about 30 minutes and long runs of 12 miles that take me from one end of Elizabethtown to another (literally from Darrenkamps to the Masonic Village Farmers Market). Read more


  1. Jeff,

    I love to run around E-town. Recently I have encountered other runners who have expressed disappointment that the E-town High School track is not available at all to residents. I verified that recently with the SD Athletics Dept. I would have to add my dismay to the others. Can you share any insight as to why this is the case? In al the places I have lived and run, the school district tracks were always available to the public with limitations/rules of use. Thanks.

    Frank Divonzo

    1. Thanks for reading my blog, Frank, and thanks for the comment. I don't know why the school district has decided to keep the track closed, although I suspect they worry about vandalism. Since the track is the school district's property, the borough itself doesn't have any say on when it's open. I'd take the issue up with the school board.


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