Monday, August 24, 2009

Boil-water advisory issued for E-town and Mount Joy Township (including Rheems)

The Elizabethtown Area Water Authority issued a boil-water advisory for residents of Elizabethtown and Mount Joy Township (including Rheems) after routine testing turned up elevated levels of E. coli bacteria.

EAWA said residents must boil water for two minutes to make it safe for drinking. It is OK to bathe in water from the tap. The advisory affects those who are on "city water" -- and does not impact residents who have private well water.

The source of the bacteria has not been determined, but EAWA is working to flush and chlorinate the system to ensure water is safe for drinking. However, it will be at least Friday before the advisory can be lifted because results from tests to be taken Wednesday won't be back for 48 hours.

For more information, residents can contact EAWA at 367-7448.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Jeff, for posting this. I'm glad to see that someone is attempting to keep etown residents updated on the truly important issues. May I ask why something like this is not posted on the front page of etownonline?

    John Norcott
    E-town resident


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